Wednesday 1 February 2012

A Vitiligo Treatment That Works - Where?

As I mentioned earlier, vitiligo is a condition in which the cells of the skin responsible for pigmentation either stop working or die. And when these cells stop working they produce the most notable symptom of vitiligo, the light patches of skin that can be found anywhere on the body. These cells are called melanocytes. They are located at the bottom level of the epidermis. (The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin.) No one knows why this condition affects people or where it comes from. Many scientists have speculated about all kinds of environmental factors but no one cause has been identified. What has been identified is that vitiligo affects EVERYBODY!
Vitiligo affects every race, it crosses the gender lines and economic status has no bearing on it. It can affect young and old alike and everyone that is affected is looking for a cure! Currently, there is no cure for vitiligo. But there are several treatments that have shown great promise in relieving the symptoms. Some of the treatments for vitiligo include:
1. Transplanting Melanocytes - These are the cells that are responsible for pigment. This treatment goes to the heart of the problem. The doctors transplant these cells from another part of your body (most likely your gluteal region...), to the areas affected with the vitiligo. This treatment has has numerous successes wherein patients have reported nearly complete repigmentation. But there has been some drawbacks. Some patients have reported that the vitiligo returned months later.
2. Ultraviolet Light Treatments - This treatment involves using the power of the UVA or UVB spectrum of ultraviolet light to stimulate the cells of the skin. The UVA treatment was used in conjunction with either ingesting or applying a drug called Psoralen. Using psoralen makes your skin sensitive to light, therefore allowing your skin to darken. The UVB treatment was founded later and did not involve using psoralen. Patients could just expose themselves to the UVB light.
There are many more treatments for vitiligo, but I do not have the room to list them all in this article. As with all treatments, there is a chance that it might not work on you. Not all treatments will work for all people. So it's important that you, the person affected by vitiligo, do not stop looking for that one treatnment that can help you on your way to relieving your vitiligo.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Vitiligo Treatments - Which One Works?

When you type into Google: "Vitiligo Treatments", what are you really asking? Are you asking for a list of vitiligo treatments so you can figure out which route to take? Or are you looking for information on the many different treatment options or methods out there? Are you just looking for information on this mysterious skin condition? Whatever the case, you have come to the right article. Whatever your intentions with this phrase, I can't give you ALL of the answers here. But what I can do is list for you some of the best treatments that might be able to work for you. You ready? Then let's go!
1. UVB therapy - UVB stands for Ultra-Violet B-band therapy. Basically what happens is those areas on your body that are affected by vitiligo are exposed to ultra-violet light from the B band spectrum. This treatment has recently replaced the UVA treatment(Ultra-violet A), because of the UVA's well documented problems with high cancer rates, nausea and other problems. UVB therapy is better tolerated amongst those that receive the treatment.
2. Melanocyte Transplantation - Before you start scratching your head and wonder if I made that word up. Yes melanocyte is a word. Melanocyte is the layer of skin that researchers think is the core of the problem. This layer of the skin is what dies or either stops working. Thus vitiligo is born! With this treatment you receive a transplant from the unaffected region of your body to the affected region...and your body does the rest!
3. Depigmentation - This treatment is just what it sounds like and perhaps it's the treatment that the late, great King of Pop Michael Jackson took. You completely depigment the rest of your skin to match the patches that are already affected by the vitiligo.
I can understand why someone that has vitiligo would ask this question. There are so many different treatments for this condition, that I can really see a person getting confused as to which route to take. Thankfully this is not a decision to be taken lightly, and this is not a decision that you should try to reach on your own. As with every medical decision, a licensed physician that is an expert in this particular field should be consulted. Vitiligo is a serious skin condition that affects millions of people WORLDWIDE. So a decision of this magnitude should have your best interests at heart.
Your Dr. should tell you what I'm about to tell you. No one treatment will work for everyone. And even if you find a treatment that does work for you, there is a risk that the vitiligo will return. But the even better news is that the above treatments have had the BEST rates of satisfaction among everyone who received them.

Friday 13 January 2012

Homemade Treatment for Vitiligo That Really Works

Almost all types of disease can be treated using natural herbal remedies. Most herbs have medicinal benefits and can provide effective relief from symptoms of different diseases. In fact, many modern medicines have evolved from herbal sources. A number of simple home remedies can be prepared using ingredients found in the kitchen. Natural herbal remedies are ideal as they are economical and the ingredients are readily available.
Here are some useful home remedies for treating vitiligo.
Turmeric and mustard oil
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties; it plays an important role in Ayurvedic medicines due to its health benefits. It boosts the body's natural immunity, when used on wounds it can prevent bacterial infection. Home remedies made using mustard oil and turmeric is very beneficial for vitiligo patients. The oil is anti bacterial and can help detoxify the body.
How to use: Mix 5 teaspoons turmeric powder with 250 ml mustard oil. Ensure the turmeric is thoroughly mixed with the oil. Apply this mixture twice daily over the white patches on the skin. The treatment must be followed strictly for a year for good results. The patches will disappear and your skin will be healthier. The remedy is natural and safe.
Basil leaves and Lime Juice
Another useful and common kitchen ingredient is basil leaves. It has anti-aging and antiviral properties; it has been proved effective in curing vitiligo and stress. Melanin production can be stimulated using a mix of basil leaves extract and lime juice.
How to use: In a bowl mix lime juice and extract of basil leaves. Apply the mixture over the white patches and leave for a while. Use this treatment 3 or 4 times every day. Within 5 to 6 months you will see visible results. The treatment has no side effects and is perfectly safe for patients suffering from vitiligo.
Water stored in copper utensil
Vitiligo patients showed visible results after drinking water stores in copper utensils. The water used in this treatment is stored overnight in copper utensils. The water should be taken every morning and in 6 months you will notice significant difference in your skin. The treatment promotes production of melanin by stimulating Melanocyte in the body. It is a very safe home remedy.
Tamarind and psoralea Seeds:
The most effective herb for treating vitiligo is psoralen. It is used to prepare many natural home remedies and also as an ingredient in formulated recipes such as PUVA. When combined with turmeric it forma an effective cure for vitiligo. The psoralen must be handled only by experts as they could prove harmful otherwise.
How to use: Soak psoralea and turmeric seeds in water for about four days. Dry the soaked seeds and grind to a paste. The paste should be applied on the white patches for at least a month. Within a month you will notice the change in the skin, for best results it is recommended to continue the treatment beyond a month.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Treatment of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which whole skin or different parts of body is affected by appearance of white patches. Through pigmentation disorder, hair on the affected area may turn white. As medical science shows progress day by day through the advancement of technology, Number of treatments of Vitiligo is discovered. The main focus of treatment of Vitiligo is not only the removal of this disease but to provide emotional security to patients.
As every patient have its own individuality, so physician should take in to account the history of patient whether the patient is effected by environmental changes, or he/she get this disease in heredity, or due to the auto antibodies. As the main cause of Vitiligo is depigmentation in skin. Melanocytes cells that produced melanin, if decrease in body, loss of pigmentation occurs. Transplantation is a method by which it possible to transplant Melanocytes cells from some other part of body to the affected skin area. So there is one of the treatments used by physician to cure Vitiligo. By taking effective precaution and using sensibly therapeutic measures, many pigmentation disorders can be managed. Below there are some important steps of conservative treatment.
Psychotherapy is a treatment which is preferable for both a patient and their relatives. When a person knows that he/she suffers in Vitiligo disease, he easily loses his/her confidence. He starts thinking that he is inferior to others, which become cause of stress, anxiety, tension. Unfortunately people around them, including their blood relations also show misery for him by isolating him. If we go to backwards, then in ancient time people consider there is no particular treatment of Vitiligo. So they ignore the patient, in result patient become so depressed that he did not even take proper diet and medicine. So in struggle to give people accurate awareness, now medical science discovered a lot of different treatments to ensure the patient that the cure of Vitiligo is possible.
It is common in our society that when we feel some illness, without checking to any physician we take anti biotic by self. Similarly many Vitiligo patients take this step, which is wrong. Because anti-biotic can be helpful to overcome a disease for a particular time period, but it can't be effective for a longer period of time. So patient should be stop to take different anti-biotics for this disease.
Patients of Vitiligo should be conscious about the diet they take. Diet plays a key role to cure the disease. A patient of Vitiligo is suffering from lack of protein, calcium, copper. So he should take those foods in his meal that are enriching with all these, like butter, milk, beans etc.
Now let's talk about therapeutic part of the treatment of Vitiligo. Many physicians consider that ARS SULPH FLAVOS is very helpful to cure pigmenting disorders in a skin. But again, it is the one of treatment of pool of treatments. It can be suitable for some patients, and not for others, as mentioned above, every patient have its own individuality.
Another treatment is AYURVEDIC, in which much importance is given to the diet along with medicines. Babchi, ami majus plants are used in this treatment. One of the most allopathic treatments for Vitiligo is psoralen therapy. People who have light skinned, by taking this treatment can increase their pigmentation to get normal skin. More on there are number of multivitamin injections are available in market to get cure for Vitiligo.
There are number of patients who prefer home remedies to get cure for Vitiligo. Using number of herbs in home can leave unpleasant side effect, so before try anything in home, it is recommended to check you to a physician.
Through the ultra violet treatment (UVB), this is conducted through irradiation with short wave of ultraviolet radiations. A cure of Vitiligo disease is also possible. Tattooing although is not a traditional treatment but it is done with artificial pigments, by the help of surgical techniques. Artificial pigments are produced according to the skin color of a person.